Sunday, March 11, 2012


Timea Tihanyi, “Issues and Influences of Contemporary Art” (lecture, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, January 4-March 9, 2012)

“New Forum features works by Cai Guo-Qiang,” SAM Downtown, (accessed January 22, 2012)

Klara Glosova, “Klara Glosova” (lecture, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, January 13, 2012)

Stelarc, . "Stelarc//." Accessed Feb. 16, 2012. 

Erwin, Wurm. Accessed January 21, 2012. 

Greer, Mandy. Wordpress, "Mandy Greer." Accessed Feb. 8, 2012.

PBS, "ART21." Accessed Feb. 16, 2012.

Friday, March 9, 2012

In the end

In the end contemporary art is just the newest genre of art. It may use different techniques, materials, and have a different goals. However the subjects aren't anything new, artists' works have depicted the same types of subject matter for centuries. People have been drawing maps since man first observed that the world wasn't uniform. Spiritual or religious imagery is the oldest known form of art, originating in cave paintings. Artists have been fascinated by the human body since time immemorial.

If the themes are nothing new then what is it that sets Contemporary Art apart from any older work?

Contemporary Art is unique in the materials and techniques involved. Spiritual images are the oldest form of art yet no previous era would have thought to convey them a stuffed cotton stag with worsted viscera pouring. The body has fascinated artists for millenia yet no previous era would have strapped machine parts to their body and called it art, or creating a synthetic ear for that matter. However the greatest change that contemporary art has introduced is the idea of process art. the idea that the act of making a work could be the art and not what was made. No previous era would have ever considered random pencil marks on a wall brilliant art because the man made them while chained to the floor; or black streak on the floor art because a woman painted them with her hair. Contemporary art's real innovation is process art, for it is the most unique and original concept.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Game: Art or Porn?

1) this image is a screen grab from a movie. Was it a porno or an art film?


2) Was this photograph of a gay three-way intended as a promo shot for a porn or was it taken to be a work of art?


3) This is an artifact from the upper paleolithic period. was it made for artistic reasons or a sexual purpose?


4)This is an ancient Egyptian papyrus scroll. was it painted as pornography or art?


Answer 4

This is a scroll called the Erotic Papyrus of Turin. In spite of its graphic imagery, Egyptology have concluded from the hieroglyphics that it is actually intended as a satirical jab at the upper class of Egyptian society.

Answer 3

This object has been identified as one of the oldest known dildos. archeologists based there conclusion off the size, shape, and a residue found on a similar object found near where this one was found.

answer 2

this photograph is called Peeped from the Garden, by the photography artist Joseph Dupouy. 2009

answer 1

this is a screen grab from the opening scene of a pornograhic movie called "Nightdreams" released in 1981